Friday, November 23, 2018

28 Most Coolest Quotes By Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

1. If a mirror shows our exact image as they say, why can't man see his back. I am too kind because am one of a kind in my mind. Kindness is an attitude but not a lesson to learn.

2. A flight of a swamp of bees signify that there is no honey in town. They say I am funny, say that to my honey because I don't care about the money.

3.  The best way to succeed is to be successful in the eyes of those who don't want to see you successful.

4. I see sugar in and sugar out anytime my heart beats, because it mentions the name Lady Sowe.

5. If you go to a country where people eat in their eyes, don't use your nose to eat.

 6. Successful people don't show off, instead, they show WHAT was off when everyone's light was on.

7. Whatever didn't worked for you that you may have hoped for, meant that God has a better thing for you in the Hereafter.

8. A Whiteman asked me: " why is national news international?" I responded because it includes famous or unknown nationals who're international.

9. An American reader once asked me: "why are you handsomely talented?" I replied because an intelligent man is always as handsome as his mother is beautiful.

10. A Kenya once asked me: "if prophet Muhammad ( S .A.W) was the last prophet. Why will Jesus return?" I replied because God does anything He likes, and Jesus will not return as a prophet.

11  You may not have read any of my titles, but when I am death or still alive, you'll later discover that I wrote books that lift the voices of the unheard, that address imbalance and champion positive change.

12  Anyone who trusts that Allah is God, and God is Allah; you and your household will never have to settle for the crumbs that fall from the enemy's table.

13. It's been a minute since I trusted somebody because we're in the time of times.

14. I am whatever I am.
I don't fear death or dying,
I keep on trying.

15. Never in a million years did I ever think I would have an award named after me or join this caliber of laureates... but sooner or later, I'll be known for my profound recognition in writing.

16.  I dare to dream about success when everyone fears it.

17.  I've never seen any successful human that has never failed. Successful people have struggle and pain in common.

18.  Is ALL ABOUT my life, like WHAT I've been through to get here. I had to make it with all I've been through.
This is my life I can't pretend to. I'll never let them tell you what I can't do.
I got many doubters and pretenders; but I already made it this far, I can't lose.

My struggle is something I really went through.
Things I encountered were meant to be.
Help me or not; with God I'll get there.
Many have tried to stab me on the BACK, just to proof them wrong: I sold thousands of copies.
I am the only real me, no photocopy.
These haters and doubters should ask the climbers.
But I made them see success in my eyes.
This is my destiny, I can't pretend to.
I started off at the age of 14, I never cared ABOUT the fame or the MONEY.

19. Do not use your tongue to discuss people’s faults. Everyone has faults and people also have tongues.

20.  As long as I’ve served my country, I’ve worked to help others see our common humanity & find common ground. That’s the same approach I’ll take to represent our literature before and after my death.

21.  I am known for unleashing the imagination and fueling the dreams of multiple generations of Africans; for the AfriKa we want and not the AfriCa they want for us.

22. If you ever come back to your senses after realizing that what's meant to be will always be; shake off any heaviness and put your praise on! Confuse the enemy and praise God- You win!

23.  After 15 years of education, I only thought that the word beautiful,  gorgeous, elegant, comely, pretty and modest, were ONLY adjectives- not until I met the person these words are meant to describe.

24.  Sending love to those who are bravely battling whatever is hurting your heart or mind. Survival nowadays may not always be pretty, but with God; anything is possible.

25. The biggest cowards always talk the most amount of shit.

26. I can't remember what day it is half the time, but I remember the last time I ever spoke to my late fiancée ( Musu) before she died. It was 11 years ago this week.

27.  People like me until they meet one or two of my demons. But some people dislike me until they lied against me  in order to destroy my career.  But no amount of ungratefulness is worse than lying against or betraying the person who helped you discover your talent and realize your dreams in anything.

28. If I die young or unexpectedly, don't dwell on how much of a shock it is. Make Du'aa ( prayers) for me. Forgive me, pray may Allah grant me Jannah, pray for ease for my family, that is how you can prove your love for me.

SOURCE: ( The Voice of The Pen)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Young African Writer, Mr. Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, Suggested New Words in the English Dictionary

Young African Writer, Mr. Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, Suggested New Words in the English Dictionary

The famous young Gambian West African writer and scholar, born Modou Lamin Sowe ( 1990),  well known by his penname Modou Lamin Age- Almusaf Sowe, a former teacher-librarian and drama coordinator at Masroor Senior Secondary School,  the  founder of the Young Writers' Association of The Gambia  ( YWAG), former university-librarian and the director of academic research at the African Development University  (ADU ), an independent researcher and scholar of intellectual property and library and information studies,  has suggested
adding 16 new words, new senses and new sub-entries in the English language dictionary.

Speaking to Mr. Sowe in his library earlier this weekend to the African Youth Architects  ( AYA ), Mr. Sowe said is not about level of education, nationality,  knowledge or the degrees one has obtained, but some people are just born special to create history in this world.

 The 28-year-old unmarried Gambian scholar suggested these 16 new words, which in turn is making sense to everyone around the world:

"Had I been granted a chunk of pages in the Oxford English Dictionary,  the Cambridge English Dictionary, the Collins English Dictionary, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the Macmillan Dictionary and the Thesaurus, etc., unlike the 422 Words that William Shakespeare invented without questioning his maturity, affiliation, nationality, educational background, sense of belonging and capabilities, or without any White-supremacy, or discrimination as a means of looking low upon him over Africans, or by means of exercising superiority of the White race over black Africans; it will be my higher honor and distinct privilege to add these 16 new word entries, new senses and sub-entries to the dictionary."

1. Afrika, to be also spelt as AfriKa,  ( n),  a. the belief or the vision that there will be a United States of Africa ( US.Afri).

b. The philosophy that the word Africa with the letter 'c' was being coined for us, in order to disunite our continent, to be seen as the land of pest and diseases, hunger and poverty, corruption and war,  contrast to the dream of Kwame Nkrumah and Mohammad Ghaddafi to the emergence of a United States of Africa ( US.Afri), which can govern herself from her rich resources, and to be totally free from foreign rule and influence.

2  Ferciluous, ( n),  the belief that poverty is man-made and can be conquered by accepting to be part of an entity that is far more better than the generations in the past.

3. Xanalovic, ( n),  the state or the condition in which a man or a woman lacks the heart or the hope to fall in love again or get marry, as a result of experiencing unhealed emotional wounds or scars in their hearts for their past experiences.

4. Mankindious, ( adj), of a person having to belief that one's knowledge, number of wife( ves) or a child (children), or amount of wealth, fame or power that one has,  will actually last forever and there is no life after death.

5. Libraritanious, ( adj), highly self-learned or the process or the act of learning, or being educated in a library and being able to impact change in society.

 Example: A libraritanious librarian knows how to collect data, organize them , and to properly disseminate and manage information in a library.

6. Afrikanly,  ( adverb), of an African or Afrikan citizen acting in a way that shows experience, knowledge, and good judgement for his/her identity.

7. US.Afri, ( n) a. A United States of Afrika or United States of Africa.

b. A prosperous and integrated Afrika for the Africa we want.

8. Ramzilious, ( adj),  highly unpleasant marriage or love relationships being cursed by one's demon or demon spirits.

9. Afri-fool, ( n),  the state in which an African citizen discovers, writes, sings, invents,  or even to the extent of being very successful in their work or dreams- and then get themselves intelligently deceived or rejected by White people contrary to the benefits they can bring to Africans.

Example: The murder of Thomas Sankara and Mohammad Ghaddafi was an Afri-fool to Africans and African development.

10. Eye-to-see-one, ( v),  the action of being part of a movement that sees everything with one-eye.

11. Age-Almusaf ( n) the theory that there are four categories of human beings on earth; and that they are divided into four categories, namely:
Those who know but they don't talk.
Those who talk but they don't know.
Those who don't talk at all because they don't know, and,
Those who talk and they know: as said by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe in his scholarly work and famous play, The Throne of The Ghost ( ISBN9789789497133).

12. Painwriting, ( n ),  the painful action or narrative or a story of connected events, real or imaginary, in which all writers' pass through before they garner fame for their works, or become successful in their writing careers.

13. Mahdirism, also Jesusism ( n),  the belief that a religious reformer who is not a prophet, neither a messenger of God, and nor an impostor is going to rule this world with the help of Jesus as an ordinary human being than ascending down as a prophet or a messenger of God.

14. Acheberian, ( n), anything having to do with the writing, speeches or the work of late Nigerian African writer, critic and professor Chinua Achebe.

15. Mandelian, (n), the belief in freedom and love for one's country as opposed to patriotism,  in a more rigid and unforgettable manner; as the memories of late African hero and freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela and his struggle against apathy in South Africa.

16. Multiversity, (n), the opposite of a university. A place of learning for Doctorate and PhD students, or anyone who has successfully completed all their various university degrees, but still wishing to learn in the future. The degree to be granted after this studies is known as Dr. Dr. Prof (DdP).

All rights reserved!  African Youth Architects  ( AYA)


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